Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Baby Showers and Charitable Organization

We are so blessed with so many wonderful friends!!! Peter has had 3 baby showers and has enjoyed meeting our friends! The first shower was given by Greta's dance friends with a wonderful meal and fun play time for the little girls after dance one day. Peter received some great toys which he loves playing with! Then some dear friends from the neighborhood had a gathering so other neighbors could meet Peter. Finally, last Sunday, Taylor's good friend, Megan, had a shower for Peter with Taylor's friends from school. They played games and had cake. Taylor felt so honored to have her friends care about her like this and do something so nice for us! Peter loves all the attention at any gathering so he was so good. Because we are so blessed in our country, we thought it would be nice to give to others in lieu of receiving baby gifts. If anyone is interested in donating to a very worthy cause, monetary gifts can be given to Grace Centre in honor of Peter. This organization started locally to make a difference in the lives of people in San Pedro, Guatemala. They are raising money at this time to bring a clean drinking water system to this area. Something we just take for granted here is so needed in that part of the world. There is a link to their web site further down on this page. I know there are so many worthy charities out there but this one just makes sense to us in lieu of gifts for Peter. We are so blessed to have him in our lives but so many others in Guatemala are living in conditions we can't even begin to imagine. Please consider opening your hearts to make a difference!!

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