Thursday, April 10, 2008

Is Spring Ever coming???!!!

We have had some beautiful weather this spring but it never seems to last. As I sit here typing, it is snowing out again!!! Peter spends part of each day going from window to window and looking outside. He loves watching the geese and ducks in the ponds and watching airplanes fly overhead. I know he would love to be outside every minute of the day, but on days like today, it's not going to happen! He is an outdoor boy however. When we do get outside on the nice days, he loves swinging, going for walks in the stroller and eating anything he can put in his mouth!! It is so much fun to experience the world through his eyes as he notices so many new things when we are outside from tiny bugs crawling on the ground to the trees blowing in the breeze...he doesn't miss anything! He continues to be such a blessing to his family!!

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